

Check out our events for this semester! Here you can read more about what you need to do to attend them. We hope that you will find interesting events to try out new things, partake in a variety of hackathons and other fun happenings throughout the year. Keep an eye on this site and on facebook.

Kolla in våra evenemang för denna termin! Här kan du läsa mer om vad du behöver göra för att delta i dem. Vi hoppas att du kommer att hitta intressanta evenemang för att testa nya saker, delta i en mängd hackathons och andra roliga händelser under hela året. Håll koll på den här webbplatsen och facebook.

Upcoming events


Here you can read about all past events we had. Some of them are recorded and possible to watch on Mau-play or facebook. You can find some links here or in the tab workshop.

28:e Oktober kl. 10:00-14:00

Studenter är välkomna till ett event med härlig halloween-stämning. Kom hit för att mingla, spela VR-spel och käka snacks! En tävling kommer dessutom äga rum mellan kl. 12-13, priser kommer utdelas och vinnare kommer att hyllas! För de som önskar finns dessutom halloween-dräkter att låna!

Students are welcome to an event with a cool halloween-vibe. Come over to mingle, play VR-games and eat some snacks! A competition will take place at 12-13pm, prices will be available and winners will be celebrated!
For those who wish there are halloween-suits to borrow!

13:e September kl. 13:00 – 17:00

Chips ‘n’ Tips

Studenter är välkomna till en eftermiddag med chips och tips från TS studenter som går sitt sista år.

Kom och mingla med digimentorerna och andra studenter. Vi bjuder på chips och tips på hur ni klarar er i svåra stunder under studierna. Kom med datorn om ni redan har ett problem, annars bekanta er med likasinnade!

May 2022

From machines to lovers – Klimatdagen

On May the 30th, for Climate Day 2022, Malmö University organises many events. You are invited to the digihub for a vernissage on transforming our fears about the climate into resilient futures.

a beautiful explosion

November 2021

Evolution of Digital Tools

The digimentors are happy to invite you to a special session, discussing the Evolution of Digital Design.

  1. 1. Do you ever wonder how we got to this level of specialisation in the design tools available today?
  2. 2. Are you curious to know more about the story of how programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Figma came to be?

Come and learn about the origin of Adobe and other companies, their struggles and discoveries!

About the event:

  • • We will meet in person at Storm Innovation Hub
  • • Open to all the students of Malmö University
  • • Open level: no prior experience with digital tools is required
  • • The talk and activities will be carried out in English
  • • It is free of charge
  • • There will be fika 🙂

Feel free to bring your laptop and join the playground after the talk! Link to the event: https://fb.me/e/1rSF2bOHu
There is a limited amount of seats.

Time: from 16.00 to 17.30, Wednesday the 17th of November

October – 2021

Tricks and Treats

Come and mingle with the Digimentors at the Digihub on the 29th of October! Get into the Halloween vibe with some treats, and take the chance to ask questions about digital tricks to improve your student life.

We can not guarantee that all digimentors will be wearing Halloween outfits, but the candy and the coffee will be there.

Time: from 10.00 to 14.00, Friday the 29th November

December – 2020

16/12 – How to make a poster

Are you curious about posters and how to make them? If so, join us on November 25th for a workshop in Indesign where we will make posters together! We will go through the basics in the software and talk about design principles that will make you a master in no time!

More information is available in the Facebook event linked below. Don’t wait up, sign up!

No Prior experience needed!

Attend the Facebook event here: facebook.com/events/howtomakeaposter

Time: 13.00-14.00, Wednesday November 25th

4/12 – Filmathon CANCELED

Have you ever wanted to collaborate on creating a film? Maybe you have an urge to make the debut as the protagonist in your very own drama? This Hackathon will give you the chance to work together with others or by yourself and create a finished project. This time around we are hosting a Filmathon – a Hackathon about making films. The theme and other constraints will be presented at the start of the Filmathon.

A Hackathon is an event where you get the chance to try something new, with a finished project at the end of it. A usual Hackathon involves a time constraint (similar to a marathon) and a theme to work around… And lots of fun! There are also going to be prizes awarded!

No Prior experience needed!

Attend the Facebook event here

Time: 15.00-16.00, Friday December 4th

1/12 – Introduction to Filmathon

On Tuesday 1/12 we will introduce the Filmathon and present the details about the upcoming event and talk a little bit about what to expect! We will live stream on Tuesday at 14.00 as an introduction and suggest possible tools that can be useful for filmmaking. The stream will be available on Facebook!

A Hackathon is an event where you get the chance to try something new, with a finished project at the end of it. A usual Hackathon involves a time constraint (similar to a marathon) and a theme to work around… And lots of fun! There are also going to be prizes awarded!

No Prior experience needed!

Attend the Facebook event and live stream here: https://www.facebook.com/events/introductionToFilmathon

Time: 14.00 – 15.00, Tuesday December 1st

November – 2020

26/11 – Let’s make games (part 2) with animation

Join us for another game workshop, this time with animations! It will be a one hour workshop where we will make a short animation/game together in the Wick editor!

More information is available in the Facebook event linked below. Don’t wait up, sign up!

No Prior experience needed!

Watch the recorded workshop here.

Time: 10.00-11.00, Thursday November 26th

October – 2020

20/10 – Let’s make games

Do you think programming sounds fun but don’t know how to get started? Have you experienced some programming but never made a game? In this event we are going to create a simple 2D game with the easy-to-use and free tool Scratch.

No prior experience in programming or game making is required.

Watch the recorded workshop now here at MauPlay.

Time: 10.00 – 12.00, Tuesday October 20th

22/10 – Produce your Podcast

This workshop will introduce the methods and tools of how to record a great sounding podcast. We will talk about the basics of choosing the right equipment and how to proceed with postproduction tasks. If you are interested in learning more about the techniques to make your podcast sound more professional, this might be the workshop for you!

No prior experience needed for this workshop!

See the recorded stream here https://play.mau.se/playlist/dedicated/360968/0_uvnlztr9/0_sp61us0v

Time: 13.00 – 15.00, Thursday October 22th.

28/10 – Create your Logo

Would you like to know how to create a logo for yourself or your project? This workshop will take you through the design process and discuss what to think about when making a logo. If this sounds interesting, then make sure to join the event!

No prior experience needed for this workshop!

See the recorded stream here https://play.mau.se/playlist/dedicated/360968/0_uvnlztr9/0_rjngml0o

Time: 13.00 – 15.00, Wednesday October 28th