Temp event

Tävling Fulast Dator

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Tävling: “Fulast” Dator

Har du dekorerat din dator så mycket att den helt enkelt blivit “ful”? Pimpa till din dator lite extra så du får en passande kandidat. Skicka in en bild på din dator och låt andra studenter rösta på den fulaste dekorationen. Priser väntar på de mest smaklösa och kreativa bidragen. Låt fantasin flöda och låt oss se vilken dator som vinner titeln som “Universitetets Fulaste Dator!”

Målet med tävlingen är, utöver att vara lite rolig, att visa att alla har olikheter i vad man bedömer vara “fult”.

Du får bara anmäla din egen dator.
Endast studenter vid Malmö Universitet får delta.
Du ska kunna vara närvarande vid prisutdelningen.

Deadline för att skicka in: [15/10 -23]
Röstning pågår: [22/10 -23]
Prisutdelning: [27/10 -23]

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Workshop: Let’s make games: Part 2, with animation

Workshop: Let’s make games: Part 2, with animation

Watch the Workshop here

This workshop is a follow up on the last game workshop. We are using another free tool called the wickeditor. You don’t need an account, you can just go to their website and try it out: In the workshop you will learn some basic tools and functions in the wick editor. And some animations and a simple game making.


Workshop: Create a logo

Workshop: Create a logo

Here is a recorded workshop that will take you through the design process and discuss what to think about when making a logo. If you wan’t to know more about the tools and software that are discussed in this workshop, please check out our Link library for a good variety of videos and tips on how to get started!


Workshop: How to produce a podcast

Workshop: How to produce a podcast

Here is a recorded workshop from earlier this year about podcasting. If you are curious about how to get started with podcasting hopefully you will find this workshop useful. We are talking about everything from plugging in your equipment to publishing.


Workshop: Let’s make games: part 1

Workshop: Let’s make games: Part 1

Here is the recorded workshop on how to make a game in the free tool Scratch. For more information about Scratch you can check out our Link library where we have a collection of good videos and tips on how to use the software!


Workshop: 7 tips for making your portfolio from Malmö University students

Workshop: 7 tips for making your portfolio from Malmö University students

Two digimentors guide you through the making of your very own portfolio. Which tools are the best for you? How do you even start with assembling and showcasing your best work? Discover the answers given by other students at K3, the School of Arts and Communication.

Teknikutlåning Miniserie

Olympus VS

Olympus WS

Dictaphones are useful for recording interviews, perhaps you need one for your final exam, or maybe you just want to try it out… In any case, here is some useful info!

Teknikutlåning Miniserie

Microphone Zoom H2N

Microphone Zoom H2N

What is the best way to record your audio?

Teknikutlåning Miniserie


Stativ / Tripod

For most projects in which there is a camera, you will need a tripod (stativ, på svenska). Here you’ll find info on how to use it and how to book one.

Teknikutlåning Miniserie

Canon EOS80D

Canon EOS80D

Let Gabriel show you the secrets of our Canon cameras. In this video you will learn how to book and choose the best settings for your recordings.