Teknikutlåning Miniserie

Olympus VS

Olympus WS

Dictaphones are useful for recording interviews, perhaps you need one for your final exam, or maybe you just want to try it out… In any case, here is some useful info!

Teknikutlåning Miniserie

Microphone Zoom H2N

Microphone Zoom H2N

What is the best way to record your audio?

Teknikutlåning Miniserie


Stativ / Tripod

For most projects in which there is a camera, you will need a tripod (stativ, på svenska). Here you’ll find info on how to use it and how to book one.

Teknikutlåning Miniserie

Canon EOS80D

Canon EOS80D

Let Gabriel show you the secrets of our Canon cameras. In this video you will learn how to book and choose the best settings for your recordings.