Inkscape is an open source and free drawing program. It is vectorbased and can therefore be used for similar things as adobe illustrator. Because it is free, it has its shortcomings, but for simple tasks it works well.
Inkscape är ett ritprogram som är gratis och har öppen källkod. Det är ett vektorbaserat ritprogram som därför kan användas till liknande saker som Adobe Illustrator. Eftersom det är gratis så har det sina brister men för enklare saker funkar det bra.
Inkscape Explained in 5 Minutes
A short video explaining vector graphics and inkscape and what it can be used for.
Inkscape Tutorials
this is a video series with 72 short videos explaining allot of different tools and technics that you can use when creating your digital graphics.
Inkscape Tutorial : How to Create Vector Portrait Illustration from Photo
Learn how to make a vector portrait. This is a video that works well if you follow along.
All 21 Inkscape Tools Explained in 10 Minutes
Do you have a question about a certain tool or do you want an overview of all the tools? Then this is the video for you. You can skip to the tool that you don’t know yet.
Uppdaterad Feb 2022