Unreal Engine is a game engine where the developer either uses C++ or Unreals own Blueprint system. Unreal Engine is completely free to use until you start earning money from your games. The engine also provides a wide library of Assets that you can freely use in your games.
Unreal Engine är en spelmotor likt Unity, där utvecklaren programmerar i C++ eller Unreals egna Blueprint-system. Unreal Engine är helt gratis att använda fram tills dess att du börjar tjäna pengar på ditt spel. Unreal Engine erbjuder även ett brett bibliotek med Assets som du kan använda i dina spel helt gratis.

Here is a link to the home page of Unreal Engine, that explains what the engine is, and where you can download the latest version of the program.

Blueprint or C++?
Unreal Engine offers you two different ways to construct code and logic for games, blueprints and C++. This video walks you through the difference between the two, and which one might fit you the best.

Unreal Sensei
Here you can find an updated guide (2022) to Unreal Engine 5. The video is five hours long and walks you through the different features that UE5 contains.

Games made with Unreal Engine
Here are a couple of examples of games made with the Unreal Engine, to give you an idea of what the game engine is capable of.
Uppdaterad Oktober 2022