Game & Animation Link Library


SFML stands for Simple and Fast Media Library, and is an interface like Monogame. Unlike Monogame, the standard language for SFML is C++, so it’s perfect for programmers that want to focus on this language. In SFML you create simpler 2D-games.

SFML står för Simple and Fast Media Library, och är ett interface likt monogame. Till skillnad från Monogame så är standardspråket för SFML C++, så det är perfekt för de utvecklare som vill fokusera på detta språk. I SFML skapar du lättare 2D-spel.



Here you can download the latest version of SFML, and get more information regarding the framework.

Setting up SFML with Visual Studio

Here is a guide to setting up SFML with Visual Studio.

Uppdaterad Oktober 2022

Game & Animation Link Library


Godot is a free and platform independent game engine where you can create both 2D and 3D games. In Godot you can either use their own language GDScript (similar to Python), C# or C++.

Godot är en gratis och plattformsoberoende spelmotor där du kan skapa både 2D och 3D-spel. I Godot kan du skriva utveckla i deras eget språk GDScript (liknar Python), C# eller C++.



Here you can download the latest version of Monogame, as well as get more information about the framework.

Godot Beginner tutorial

Beginner guide that teaches you the the basics of the Godot Engine.

Uppdaterad Oktober 2022

Game & Animation Link Library


Maya is a subscription based 3D-modelling software that is widely used within the game industry as well as movies and TV. As a student, you can apply for a free version of the program. In Maya, you can create 3D models, animate these and render them with an array of different renderers.

Maya är ett prenumerationsbaserat 3D-modelleringsprogram som används brett inom spelindustrin och även film och tv. Som student så går det att ansöka om en gratisvariant av programmet. I Maya kan du bland annat skapa 3D-modeller, animera dessa samt rendera dem med ett urval av olika inbyggda renderare.


Home Page

Here you can download a trial version of the program and learn more of what the program can offer you.

Beginner tutorial

Here is a thorough guide that will introduce you to all of the basic concepts of Maya, from the user interface to making a final render of an object created throughout the video.

Head Modeling Tutorial

Part one of a two-part series that guides you through the steps of modelling a human head.

What is Topology?

A clean topology is important to uphold when modelling and animating 3D-models. But what exactly is it and how do you go about making a “good” topology? This video guides you through the process.

Uppdaterad Oktober 2022

Game & Animation Link Library

Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine is a game engine where the developer either uses C++ or Unreals own Blueprint system. Unreal Engine is completely free to use until you start earning money from your games. The engine also provides a wide library of Assets that you can freely use in your games.

Unreal Engine är en spelmotor likt Unity, där utvecklaren programmerar i C++ eller Unreals egna Blueprint-system. Unreal Engine är helt gratis att använda fram tills dess att du börjar tjäna pengar på ditt spel. Unreal Engine erbjuder även ett brett bibliotek med Assets som du kan använda i dina spel helt gratis.



Here is a link to the home page of Unreal Engine, that explains what the engine is, and where you can download the latest version of the program.

Blueprint or C++?

Unreal Engine offers you two different ways to construct code and logic for games, blueprints and C++. This video walks you through the difference between the two, and which one might fit you the best.

Unreal Sensei

Here you can find an updated guide (2022) to Unreal Engine 5. The video is five hours long and walks you through the different features that UE5 contains.

Games made with Unreal Engine

Here are a couple of examples of games made with the Unreal Engine, to give you an idea of what the game engine is capable of.

Uppdaterad Oktober 2022

Game & Animation Link Library


Monogame is a free C# framework that can be used with Visual Studios. In Monogame you can create 2D-games for multiple platforms. Monogame is an excellent way to start coding in C#.

Monogame är ett gratis C#-framework som går att använda med bland annat Visual Studios. I Monogame skapar du, med Microsoft XNA, lättare 2D-spel till flera plattformar. Monogame är en utmärkt väg in i att koda i C#, och öppnar upp för vidare utforskning i mer avancerade sammanhang som spelmotorer.



Here you can download the latest version of Monogame, as well as get more information about the framework.

Games made with Monogame

Here are six different examples of games made with Monogame that shows off the possibilities that lays within the framework.

Monogame beginner tutorial

Here is a guide for installing and setting up Monogame.


Monogame för nybörjare

Tutorialserie på svenska som tar en igenom startkoncepten för monogame och C#.

Uppdaterad Oktober 2022

Game & Animation Link Library

The Wick Editor

The Wick Editor is a free online tool to make games and animations. Try it out here.

The Wick Editor är ett gratis online verktyg för att göra animeringar och spel. Prova det här.


Wick Editor 1.0 Tutorials

Learn the wick editor in 15 short tutorials. The tutorials is made for a older wick editor but i bet you can figure it out anyway. This is the official tutorials.

Creating an animation with a scrolling background with the Wick Editor

This is just one video showing you how to make an moving background.

How to Animate Vector Art using the Wick Editor

See an example of an animation with pre made vector art. Follow allong and try it yourself

Uppdaterad mars 2021

Game & Animation Link Library


A game engine used to create 2D and 3D games. Unity is a popular free to use platform for students and non-professional users. It does not require a paid subscription until you start making money on your games. Learn the basics in unity and check out our links!

En spelmotor som används för att skapa 2D- och 3D-spel. Unity är en populär, gratis att använda plattform för studenter och icke-professionella användare. Det kräver inte ett betalt abonnemang förrän du börjar tjäna pengar på dina spel. Lär dig grunderna i enhet och kolla in våra länkar!


Unity Beginner Tutorials

This Youtube channel is a great asset for any user to learn how to make games in unity independent of your skill level. This is a series of 63 episodes on how to make a game.

Welcome to Unity Learn

Unity have their own courses that goes through various topics. Choose your level on their start page for relevant content. A great place to start is this tutorial where you will learn to make a car game.

Learn Unity in 17 MINUTES!

This video is a great start for just getting an overview of how unity works.

Unity3D Physics – Rigidbodies, Colliders, Triggers

Learn how to add physics in a unity 3D-game.

C# Variables And Functions in Unity! – Beginner Scripting Tutorial

A beginner tutorial for scripting in unity. Learn how to use variables.

How to move objects using WASD in Unity 2020

Learn how to add the ability to control a object using keys.

How To Animate In Unity 3D

A beginner tutorial on how to make a simple 3D animation in unity.

Unity Materials [01] – COLOR and TEXTURE

In unity when you add objects they can be decorated with different materials or textures. In this video you will learn about that.


It is very important to have user interface components in your game. In this video you will learn how to make a menu.

Prefabs in Unity Explained | Everything You Need To Know

Prefabs ar super useful in game development so look at this video to learn all about them.


Unity Grundkurs

En serie med 3 avsnitt som introducerar dig till Unity. Lär dig att programmera spel i C#.

Spelprogrammering med Unity 3D på svenska

Titta på denna serie för att lära dig grunden i spelprogrammering i Unity. Den har 17 avsnitt.

Uppdaterad mars 2021