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Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing and typesetting software application. It is used to create posters, flyers, magazines, newspapers both for online publishing and for printing.

Students attending courses that require the use of Adobe Suite programs at Malmö University could be eligible for receiving an Adobe license from the university. Contact your program or course coordinator for further information. 

Adobe InDesign är ett layout/ombrytningsprogram. Det används för att skapa affischer, flygblad, tidningar, både för online och för material som trycks.

Studenter som går kurser där användningen av Adobe-programmen är en del av utbildningen kan vara berättigade att få licens till Adobe Suite av Malmö Universitet. För mer information kontakta din program eller kursadministratör. 


Adobe InDesign CC Tutorial for Beginners

Two episodes introducing you to Adobe
InDesign. You can download materials to follow along with the video.

Learn Adobe InDesign

This is a complete course in InDesign it goes through all the important things to know as a beginner. The course is made in 2013 so some things have changed since then but the basic mechanics are the same.

Adobe InDesign Tutorials

Adobes own tutorials in InDesign. There is text and video and many of different tutorials to look in to.

Shortcuts cheat sheets

If you want to make your work flow more effetive, we highly recommend you get familiar with shortcuts. If you are working with the default shortcuts you can use these cheat sheets to start learning them on MacOS and/or Windows!


InDesign CC – Grunder

Detta är en serie med 7 videor som går igenom grunderna i InDesign. En bra början om man inte jobbat i detta program tidigare.

Uppdaterad Feb 2022