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Gimp is a free graphics editor used for manipulating photos and drawing freehand. It is similar to adobe Photoshop.

Gimp är ett gratis fotoredigeringsverktyg som används till att hantera foton och rita på frihand. Gimp liknar Adobe Photoshop.


HOW TO USE GIMP – Complete Tutorial for Beginners 2020

A 50 min introduction to Gimp. You will learn some basics like different brushes, layers, layer masks, path tool and more.

GIMP Tips & Tricks (Beginners Guide)

A short videos showing you some tricks like adding shadow effects and creating a text outline. In the end they will show you a example of how to make a thumbnail.

Gimp Tutorials

A video series of 18 episodes giving you a tutorial to Gimp. You will learn the basics and the interface and also about layers, selection tools, text, path tool and much more.

5 Ways To Remove A Background with GIMP

Removing backgrounds are really useful. learn how to do it in Gimp.

Uppdaterad Feb 2022